Graduate Student Emily Schneider-Green Promotes Local Sustainability

Class of 2016 Media & Communication Studies (MCS) graduate student, Emily Schneider-Green, is currently combining her writing skills with her passion for the environment while producing content about sustainability in the Tallahassee area. The aspiring communication specialist is persevering through the final semesters of her Master’s program in pursuit of a career within an environmental nonprofit organization. Specifically, she is interested in sustainable agriculture and local farming and their impact on food distribution and consumption.
Schneider-Green earned her Bachelor of Arts in Editing, Writing and Media under the English department at Florida State in 2013. During her undergraduate studies, Emily remained on the FSU President’s List while holding internships at various publishing companies and magazines. The semester of her commencement, she interned with the Tallahassee Woman Magazine and the Council on Culture & Arts as an Editorial Intern and brainstormed, researched and created content in health, diet, beauty, finance and art for the separate entities.
This past summer 2014, Schneider-Green worked as a Dining Intern for Atlanta Magazine and curated subject matter for the magazine’s daily food blog. She conducted interviews with local chefs and restaurant scene figures in Atlanta, Ga. to write articles for the print and blog format of the magazine. Her weekly email newsletters that she compiled for the magazine reached a readership of over 12,000 individuals.
“My background is very writing-heavy, as might be expected, and writing has always been my main passion since I can remember,” Emily says.
Her experience with various topics and audiences has inspired her to become involved with FSU Sustainable Campus and Sustainable Tallahassee. Schneider-Green is responsible for generating monthly newsletters for the university’s sustainability community and co-manages social media platforms for the city and state-wide cause.
“I love the MCS program environment because it’s very close-knit, being a small program, and what we learn is typically very practical–although rooted in theory. It’s all applicable to real life or actual work you’d do in a job setting,” she explains.
Reminiscent of the past five years at Florida State University, Schneider-Green is thankful for experiencing multiple fields of communication through networking with professors and other students. Her journey to academic and professional success was guided by intellectual and inspiring individuals, on and off campus.
“I’ve made connections with professors who have helped me find opportunities in around town and in other cities, which were experiences I wouldn’t trade for anything, ” Emily says.
Take a look at Emily’s LinkedIn here and read the January 2015 FSU Sustainable Campus Newsletter here.