Experience Earth Month

About FSU Earth Month

FSU Earth Month is an annual celebration of our planet and involves lots of events and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. Held during the spring semester, Earth Month events typically span from late March through mid-April.

Earth Month 2025

Sustainable Campus Events

Tabling at FSU Farmers Market - April 9th, 1 - 3 PM

Landis Green

The Food Recovery Network (FRN) team will be tabling at the FSU Farmers Market, spreading awareness about food waste and sustainability on campus. Stop by to learn more about their efforts to recover surplus food and reduce waste!


Pop Up Bike Tabling - April 8th, 11:30 AM - 1 PM

Join us for a fun pop-up bike tabling event! We’ll have air pumps, bikes, and more! Stop by to get your bike ready for a ride, ask questions, and learn more about biking around campus and beyond!


Sustainable Vision Boarding - April 9th, 12 - 2 PM

Mendenhall A Room 101

Get ready to craft your sustainable future with a creative twist! Join us for an exciting event where you'll design your own vision board focused on sustainability and personal growth. This hands-on session will guide you in creating a digital vision - please bring a laptop or mobile device that can run Canva, and get ready to explore how visualization and sustainability can go hand-in-hand.


Scavenger Hunt at the Garden - April 21st, 1:15 - 4 PM

Seminole Organic Garden

Join us for a plant identification and sustainable gardening scavenger hunt! The first person to finish will get one plot/half a garden bed free for the Fall semester! This is a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while growing your sustainability knowledge.

Poetry In Your Pocket: Environmental Writing Edition - April 24th, 12:30 - 2:30 PM

Outside Strozier Library 

This event will be in partnership with Strozier Library, and will celebrate both Earth Month and Poetry Month! It will take place just outside Strozier Library where resources including writing prompts, environmental writing samples, and hands-on writing feedback will be provided. Student writers will have the opportunity to read their poems (written on the spot, or pre-drafted) aloud at the microphone. Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about environmental literature and programming from both the Library and Sustainable Campus!


Sustainability Fellows Poster Presentations - April 25th, 4 - 6 PM

Strozier Library Cafe

This will be the final presentation of the Fellows’ semester-long applied sustainability research projects. Their project partners will be in attendance, and the entire FSU community is welcome. Refreshments will be provided and the full-menu Starbucks coffee bar will be available for purchase. Attendees can come and go as they please, ask questions, and meet both Fellows and their project partners. This is an excellent opportunity to connect and socialize about sustainability initiatives, projects, and events.

Earth Day 50

In 2020, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with a virtual exhibit in partnership with Florida State Universities Special Collections. 

Titled “Earth Day 50: Environmental Activism at FSU and Beyond,” the exhibit takes a step into the past with throwback fonts and color schemes reminiscent of the 1970s. Items featured include the work of students, alumni and researchers at FSU, as well as artists, journalists, government officials, and educators in Florida. 

Visitors can take a deep dive into FSU’s Earth Day history, complete with photos, newspaper clippings and a host of archival materials. A highlight of the collection includes handwritten correspondence from former Gov. Claude Kirk and his environmental adviser Nathaniel Reed. Together, the two were instrumental in helping to preserve Big Cypress Swamp, at the time the last known wild home of the Florida Panther. 

Those who virtually tour the exhibit will also learn more about notable FSU figures, such as “Her Deepness,” Sylvia Earle, the diver, marine biologist, and activist who helped pave the way for women in science. The exhibit also features student groups like the Center for Participant Education, which has given students a platform to inform university and state policy for the past 50 years. 

Visit the online exhibit here: https://fsuearthday50.omeka.net/exhibits/show/earth-day-50/home

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