Greek Goes Green: Spotlight on Alpha Gamma Delta

Sarah Gibson
a light green image with darker green leaves and decorations. in dark green text it reads "Greek Goes Green Spotlight: Alpha Gamma Delta" and at the bottom it reads "A new blog post written by Sarah Gibson"

The Greek Goes Green program (GGG) is a partnership between Sustainable Campus and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life that guides Greek organizations who wish to increase their sustainability. While all opted-in chapters work to earn “Green Chapter” status by earning points off of the GGG Sustainability Guide, some organizations go above and beyond, exceeding expectations.  
The Panhellenic chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta is leading the charge toward sustainability in Greek life. They have surpassed all other organizations in terms of GGG points earned. Their delegate, Brooke Kubiak, is a junior studying Communication Sciences and Disorders, and she has been extremely influential in increasing Alpha Gam’s sustainability since she took the position in Spring 2022.  
“I wanted to get involved in leadership within my chapter and saw an opportunity to bridge my passion for sustainability with a way to make tangible change within my organization,” Kubiak said.  
Although Brooke did not have direct leadership experience in sustainability-related positions, she had been interested in finding ways to make her chapter more environmentally conscious. When the GGG program started, the position of Sustainability Chair was nonexistent in most Greek organizations. Learning how to best create this role in your chapter is a unique process for each delegate in their chapter. In Alpha Gamma Delta, Brooke initially worked with the Vice President of Philanthropy to establish her role and then introduced the program to the chapter as a whole.  
“From there, several individuals expressed their interest in sustainability, and making a committee was a natural next step. I continue to present to the chapter with members of the committee and host fun events to get more people involved,” explained Kubiak.  
This Sustainability Committee Brooke mentioned is a suggested practice for all opted-in Greek chapters. This committee is made of organization members who share the delegate’s passion for sustainability and are willing to put time and effort into green-event planning, and environmental education lessons, and act as a good example to other members about living an eco-conscious lifestyle. One way that Brooke has earned her chapter so many points is through events put on by the Sustainability Committee. One of her favorites was a gameday upcycling event where members of Alpha Gamma Delta brought in clothing items they no longer wore with the intention of creating a gameday outfit.  
“We provided some craft materials such as patches and ribbons to add to our members’ jean shorts, tank tops, cowboy boots, and so much more. A presentation on upcycling was done at the chapter meeting prior to educate members and promote the event,” said Kubiak. 
In addition to innovative events created and hosted, Alpha Gamma Delta is also a great example of how organizations can earn sustainability points for activities they are already doing. Alpha Gam’s philanthropy is fighting hunger, working with organizations like Meals on Wheels and Feeding America. Chapters can earn points in GGG by volunteering for organizations that fall under any of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, one of which is “Zero Hunger”.  
“Our members have several chances throughout the semester to get service hours through hunger-focused service. We also have a garden plot at the Seminole Organic Garden that donates all the food grown to the Food for the Pantry, which encourages sisters to stay involved with it and get service hours there,” explained Kubiak.  
Greek Goes Green also puts on monthly events in coordination with Sustainable Campus programs in order to provide opportunities for Greek chapters to earn points and learn from each other.  
“My favorite Sustainable Campus event I’ve attended so far was a garden workday with the Greek councils. It encouraged members to make new connections as well as offer a sustainable-based service opportunity right on campus, showing how convenient it is for any student to go to,” Kubiak said.  
Connections with fellow Greek chapters and networking with students and staff who have similar interests in sustainability are great benefits of becoming involved in Greek Goes Green. Serving as the GGG delegate for your organization allows you to take initiative in your chapter and handcraft a position that you can leave as your legacy to continue making a lasting impact long after you graduate. Brooke also feels that holding this position in her chapter has been a great opportunity for growth in her leadership skills.  
“Being the GGG delegate has allowed me to work on my creativity and accountability skills by coming up with events that have pushed my creative boundaries and collaborating with others to make engaging and educational events. Additionally, being the liaison between the program and my chapter gives me the expectation to keep everyone informed and continue sustainable practices through words and actions,” explained Kubiak.  
Overall, Brooke is a great example of how one person with a passion for sustainability is capable of creating influential change in their individual chapter and the Greek community as a whole.  

