Reflecting on an Engagingly Sustainable Semester of Engage 100

Engage 100 is an immersive program unique to FSU, where first-year students can take any class that falls under the umbrella of “Engage 100” to facilitate their transition into college. These Engage 100 classes are designed to foster connections, encourage student engagement, and challenge participants while preparing them for future success in college. The IDS 1107 course, A Student’s Guide to Sustainability, provides students with an intimate, student-peer, and faculty-staff mentor-guided group setting focused on sustainability. This course fostered by FSU Sustainable Campus provides students with the necessary knowledge of campus sustainability resources to help them develop personalized sustainability philosophies that guide their academic and professional journeys.
During my first year at FSU, I was highly involved with Sustainable Campus and spent most of my time in programs such as Eco-Reps, Garnet and Gold Goes Green (G4) Ambassadors, and more. A peer of mine recommended to Holly Smith, the Sustainability Manager of Sustainable Campus, that I become the next facilitator. Being offered the opportunity to teach a class on sustainability was a wonderful surprise that I gladly accepted.
I soon learned that managing a classroom provided valuable experience in how to balance presenting and collaborative conversation regarding the topic. Through my experience this semester, I discovered that formal presentations via PowerPoint or other mechanisms are only as impactful as the time students are allotted to digest and reaffirm the information at hand. One of the highlights of the role for me was leading the discussion surrounding Environmental Justice. As a Student Facilitator, I am responsible for presenting three topics throughout the semester, Environmental Justice being one of them. I touched on how Environmental Justice ties into overall community well-being through the management of toxic waste and environmental hazards. As a pre-medical student, my interest in the holistic aspect of health on an individual and global level made teaching these topics particularly rewarding.
Students in A Student’s Guide to Sustainability gain perspective not only on sustainability but also on broader issues. Lessons are designed to spark insightful thought and healthy conversations where students agree and disagree, encouraging students to understand the perspectives of their peers. This process helps them support their passions while considering the viewpoints within their immediate community. Additionally, students develop critical thinking skills through analyzing the vast array of topics presented by the Sustainable Development Goals, such as Zero Hunger or Good Health And Wellbeing. These skills prepare them to think independently and confidently throughout their careers.
Becoming an Engage 100 facilitator was truly a transformative experience and one of the highest-value experiences I have had the privilege to hold throughout my time at FSU. I learned a great deal about my teaching style, where I excel regarding public speaking, and areas where I still need to improve. I highly recommend this role to anyone interested in developing their teaching or speaking skills, as well as wishing to learn how they can better assist first-year students in honing their unique beliefs and passions as they venture into the vast opportunities that college has to offer.