Inside Being an Engage 100 Coordinator

Engage 100 has been meticulously crafted to foster connections, stimulate engagement, and present challenges for students while laying the groundwork for their future success in college. The IDS 1107 course titled "A Student’s Guide to Sustainability" offers an intimate, mentor-guided group setting focused on sustainability. This unique experience aids students in adapting to university life. Over the semester, participants delve into campus sustainability resources, connect with influential sustainability figures, and craft personalized sustainability philosophies that will serve as guiding principles in both their academic journeys and professional endeavors.
I took IDS 1107 during my first semester at FSU, and following completion of the course, my facilitator recommended that I apply to be the next facilitator. I greatly enjoyed the course when I took it and wanted to improve my leadership skills. So, I applied. Training began in the spring of 2023 and included giving presentations at Sustainable Campus meetings about various sustainability topics that would be covered in the course. By the next fall semester, I was officially an Engage 100 facilitator!
Although I rarely had to do it alone, managing a classroom gave me valuable experience in improving my leadership and public speaking skills. Leading discussions and sharing knowledge about current sustainability problems was a highlight of the role for me. I have an extreme interest in urban planning and transportation engineering, so the lessons on those topics were always my favorite to share.
Students in IDS 1107 develop a great sense of perspective about issues even beyond sustainability, as the lessons that we share are intended to induce conversations and disagreements. This way, the students can learn to support the issues they are most passionate about while also making sure to take in the other side's point of view. Beyond perspective, students also gain the ability to think critically about important issues. A majority of the lessons we discussed were on larger topics, such as food waste and the politics of sustainability. Being able to dissect those large topics, understand them, and then make their conclusions greatly improves their ability to think and stand on their own throughout their career.

“Engage 100 is very impactful for students, as they not only learn about a topic that interests them, but hear from their facilitator, a student who was recently a freshman, and who can therefore relate to their adjustment period and experience of beginning a college
education,” said Holly Smith, the Academics and Partnerships Coordinator at FSU Sustainable Campus, who oversees the IDS 1107 course.
I recommend being an Engage 100 facilitator to everyone. I learned a great deal about not only how to lead discussions and share knowledge, but also about my abilities.
“Facilitators are selected because of their passion for sustainability and for teaching others. I could see that in Lillian, and I know that this experience contributed to her growth as a leader. I’m proud of all that Lillian did, she always exceeded expectations in adding to the lessons to engage her peers,” said Smith.