Sustainability Pathways allow students of any major to showcase their sustainability knowledge, engagement, and leadership skills both in and out of the classroom.
The Sustainability Pathways program recognizes students as they grow in their sustainability content knowledge and practical experience. Employers are increasingly looking to hire graduates with the skills to tackle environmental, social, and economic challenges. The pathways program allows students to showcase their strengths in these areas across a variety of disciplines. With three badge options, participants have the flexibility to choose their sustainability engagement areas of interest.
A digital badge is an online representation of the knowledge and skills students have gained in their sustainability-related courses or experiences at Florida State University. Students can share their badges with other students, faculty, future employers, or admissions committees to showcase their level of sustainability competency readiness.
Badges are earned by completing pathways, which are learning outlines that guide students through defined activities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Pathways are made of milestones, which are activities that are designed for students to provide evidence of their competencies. Reviewers from the Sustainable Campus team evaluate student work to determine if they have met all milestone requirements.
Earn Three Levels of Badges
Sustainability Scholar = Complete 9.0 credits of sustainability-related coursework
Sustainability Citizen = Complete 5 of 17 extracurricular sustainability opportunities
Sustainability Leader = Earn both Scholar and Citizen badges and complete a final reflection
Sustainability Scholars pursue a series of interdisciplinary courses focused on the three dimensions of sustainability: environment, economy, and society.
Students must complete three milestone requirements to earn the Sustainability Scholars Badge. This includes earning 9.0 credits of sustainability coursework with a grade of C- or higher.
Through the completion of the badge, students gain knowledge relevant to their field and are able to critically analyze all three dimensions of sustainability.
Complete 9.0 credit hours in at least three courses focused on the three dimensions of sustainability: environment, economy, and society
Environmental Sustainability Literacy
Social Sustainability Literacy
Economic Sustainability Literacy
Sustainability Citizens develop skills, form networks, and participate in programs that allow them to thrive in a 21st-century workplace.
Students must complete 5 of the available options to fulfill the requirements of the Sustainability Citizen Badge. These options provide opportunities in research, leadership, activism, volunteerism, communication, and other areas of service.
Each completed experience represents a significant investment of time and effort, development of professional skills, and engagement in the University and community.
Complete 5 of the available options in research, leadership, activism, volunteerism, communication, and other areas of service
Sustainability Fellow
Energy Fellow
Student Organic Gardener
Garnet and Gold Recycler
Food Saver
Community Volunteer
Sustainability Researcher
Sustainability Professional
Sustainability Leadership in Practice
Sustainability Networker
Informed Advocate
Sustainability Author
Immersive Sustainability Service
Safe Cyclist
Sustainability Innovator
Sustainability Artist
Sustainability Leaders are competitive applicants to positions in any field with both leadership experience and sustainability knowledge.
Students must complete the Sustainability Scholar and Citizen badges and submit a final reflection to earn the Sustainability Leader Badge. Students who have earned the Sustainability Leader badge have built relationships, demonstrated initiative, empowered others to act, and challenged existing systems. They are able to more effectively respond to sustainability challenges in their communities and careers.
Earn the Sustainability Citizen Badge
Earn the Sustainability Scholar Badge
Submit a final reflection
Sustainability Citizen Badge
Sustainability Scholar Badge
Sustainability Reflection
The Sustainability Pathways program is hosted through the online Portfolium platform. Click the link below to be redirected to the Sustainability Pathways Portfolium page to start tracking your sustainability accomplishments!
If you have any questions about the Sustainability Pathways program, email the Sustainable Campus team at