Chuck it for Charity

About Chuck It for Charity

Chuck It for Charity is an annual partnership between Sustainable Campus and University Housing to collect all the “stuff” that is usually left behind during student move-out after the Spring semester. The material is weighed, sorted, and redistributed to Tallahassee community agencies in support of their work and the people they help. 

Chuck It for Charity 2025



I live off campus -  where can I drop off my donations?

Check with your local community organizations and determine their donation needs.

  • Big Brother Big Sisters of the Big Bend
    • Locate the  bins found across Tallahassee (NO furniture or appliances), here.
  • Brehon Family Services 
    • Donations can be dropped off at 1315 Linda Ann Drive on the front porch.
  • Furniture Bank of Tallahassee
    • Furniture items needed: beds, dressers, sofas, dining tables, basic cookware and tableware
    • They do not accept electronics, and information for a donation appointment can be found on their website, as well as a list of most needed donations. 
  • Goodwill
    • There are multiple Goodwill locations around Tallahassee that accept various donations, find the closest location to you at their website.
    • Additionally, Goodwill has an electronics store on Monroe Street for electronics donations.


What can be donated?

Category Items that can be donated!
Books Textbooks, novels, magazines

Clothing, shoes (tie or tape them together), costumes, bags, hangers.
NO undergarments.

Toiletries UNOPENED shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, soap/body wash, lotion, tissues, toilet paper.
School supplies Paper, pens/pencils/markers, folders/binders, lab supplies, poster boards, art supplies, cork/dry erase boards.  
Cleaning supplies OK if opened - Mops, brooms, vacuums, cleaning solutions, wipes, paper towels, sponges.

Sheets, pillows, towels.

NO egg crates or foam mattress toppers

Food UNOPENED food, canned goods, bottled water, paper/plastic products, utensils.
Electronics Printers, alarm clocks, batteries, radios, light bulbs
Room decor Small appliances, plastic storage bins, rugs, desk/floor lamps, mirrors, baskets, shelves/bookcases, frames.
Bicycles / bicycle gear Please email us at to donate.
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