VIDEO: FSU’s “Chuck it for Charity” gives new life to old items

Elizabeth Millner Published 6:24 p.m. ET Apr. 23, 2021
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Florida State University’s Chuck it for Charity event is back, giving unwanted items a second chance.
It’s the first time since 2019 that the university has been able to do the event.
People can donate anything from clothes and food to old electronics and furniture at any of the four designated spots on campus.
All unwanted items will be donated to local charitable organizations across the Big Bend.
“On a typical year we may mitigate 20 tons so about 40,000 pounds of stuff which is huge. Our small office being able to do that and over the course of Chuck It and its entire lifetime we have donated over a hundred tons, easily. So we are definitely saving things from the landfill but we’re also filling this social good by being able to donate the stuff back into the community,” said Cyndel Brunell, the engagement coordinator for Sustainable Campus at FSU.
‘Chuck it for Charity’ wraps up on Saturday April 24th.
Items can also be donated to:
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend
- Brehon Family Services
- Furniture Bank of Tallahassee
- Lutheran Social Services
- PAEC Migrant Education Program
For more information you can click on this link: