Garnet and Gold Goes Green at Doak Campbell Stadium

Football games and recycling...those two things aren't usually thought of in the same sentence, but to Florida State University's "Garnet and Gold Goes Green" organization, they go hand-in-hand.
Every home football game, the organization sets up recycle bins near Gate D at Doak Campbell Stadium to collect bottles, cans, and plastic cups.
Over the past 12 football seasons, there has been over 150 tons of recyclables picked up from the tailgaters and spectators alike.
"The whole intention of our program is to not only make more of an environmentally conscience behavior while you're having fun, but also to keep the stadium clean, not to litter as much," says Michelle Lisi, the "Garnet and Gold Goes Green" Coordinator. "If you do love FSU, You'd want to keep it clean and to make sure it's also looking nice as well."
"Garnet and Gold Goes Green" may collect the majority of their recyclables during football games, but that doesn't stop them from participating in spring events to continue going green on the FSU campus.