FSU increases alternative transportation resources

FSU (Tallahassee, FL) has added a host of resources to support students, faculty, and staff who use alternative modes of transportation to and from campus. FSU already offers several alternative transportation outlets that make it safer and more efficient for students to cycle, bus, and carpool to campus rather than drive a vehicle, including the Seminole Express bussing system, Zipcars for self-service, on-demand car sharing, Zimride to coordinate ride sharing through social media, GOTCHA Green Ride to provide free and safe rides around town, an Emergency Ride Home program to assist in unexpected travel situations, and the reCycle bike sharing program that allows students to rent low-cost bicycles for the year equipped with helmet, light, and lock.
In addition to these services, numerous amenities have been installed to help make the commute safer and more convenient. Free-to-use bike repair stations have been installed at the student union and gym to provide users a variety of tools to fix their broken gears, collapsed chains, and low tires.
To assist cyclists on the roadways, Tallahassee’s first “bike boxes” have been installed near FSU’s campus on the corners of Call Street and Stadium Drive. The bike box is a painted, bright green square containing a white bicycle logo. The boxes are located on the road at the stoplight between the white stop line and the pedestrian cross walk. The goal of the bike box is to reduce collisions of cars and bikes. It is effective in its ability to caution drivers of bikers sharing the road.
Awareness plays a key role in promoting alternative transportation. To educate the campus community about their options, Strive Not to Drive day, led by FSU’s Sustainable Campus program, encouraged students, faculty and staff to take part in alternative transportation methods. Through an online portal, participants were asked to pledge for a 24-hour commitment to use an alternative commuting method such as biking, walking, taking the bus, and carpooling. Everyone on campus was invited to attend the alternative transportation/healthy living fair (co-hosted by the FSView) to learn more about the various programs that exist on campus and in our community.
To learn more about your alternative transportation options, visit /Around-Campus/Alternative-Transportation