Students Create Social Marketing Campaigns for Sustainable Campus

The Campus as a Living Laboratory program is an FSU Sustainable Campus initiative that aims to use the campus or Tallahassee community as a place of experiential learning that contributes to understanding or advancing sustainability.
In Fall 2024, students in Dr. Yin Yang’s Social Marketing course worked on a project for their client, Sustainable Campus. COM 4560, Social Marketing is designed to provide students with experience in social marketing planning, so Dr. Yang decided to have the students focus on sustainability.
Sustainable Campus strives to educate the campus community on sustainability initiatives, solutions, and opportunities. Although the team includes communication specialists, there is always a need for more ideas to reach the target audience and encourage pro-environmental behaviors, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and utilizing sustainable transportation options.
The students were divided into seven groups and selected topics based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable Campus uses the SDGs as a framework for all its programs and initiatives. For more information about the SDGs, click here. Dr. Yang provided guidelines for social marketing campaigns, which the students applied when developing their final products for the client. Their presentations were expected to demonstrate strong organization, a thorough understanding of the topic, and clear, effective communication.
One team picked SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and focused on a problem they have seen in the FSU student community. While out in Tallahassee nightlife, students receive wristbands for being over 21. The wristbands end up on the ground, are made of plastics, and can end up in waterways if not disposed of properly. Due to the material mixing in the wristbands, there are not accessible recycling options available, so the group hoped to inspire students to repurpose the wristbands in creative ways. They proposed a collection system, at clubs and bars, for students to drop wristbands into on their way out that local retailers and designers would then use to create upcycled products. The group also would like to see workshops that teach students how to upcycle wristbands on their own.
A second group of students in COM 4560, focusing on the same SDG and topic of consumption and production, created a marketing plan for Sustainable Campus about fast fashion. Students usually look for cheaper clothing options, which can mean lower quality and human rights issues. For more on fast fashion, click here. The group proposed messaging centered around sustainable consumption habits by promoting recycled fabrics, clothing recycling and donation, and thrifting.
Overall, students learned how to research an organization’s social marketing strategy, compare it to peer organizations, and provide recommendations to enhance their client’s reach. This is an important skillset for aspiring communication professionals, as it equips them to address real-world challenges and contribute meaningfully to the success of future campaigns.
To learn more about the Living Lab program and how it connects students with community partners to tackle real-world challenges, visit FSU's Office of Sustainability website at