Turn Down For Watt is a residence hall competition that encourages students to reduce their energy use. At the end of the competition, the hall who saves the most energy wins a prize!
Residents compete to see who can reduce energy usage by the largest percentage. The purpose of this competition is to reduce energy use, educate students on energy conservation methods, and encourage residents to take an active role in sustainability efforts on campus.
For more information contact FSU Sustainable Campus or the Eco-Reps Student Program Coordinator, Lizzie Grater: sustainablecampus@fsu.edu
7 Tips to Help You Win the Competition!
- Unplug anything electric in your dorm. Even when electric appliances are turned off, they consume a small amount of electricity– often called “phantom power.”
- Turn out the lights when you leave a room (if possible).
- Take the stairs! You will save electricity, and climbing a flight of stairs burns 10-15 calories.
- Wash clothes in full loads with cold water, then air dry using hangers or a clothes rack.
- Have lamps? Replace those incandescent bubls with fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs.
- Use laptops whenever possible; laptops use 80 percent less electricity than desktops.
- Visit our Green Room page to learn how to “green” your residence hall room.
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