Sustainability Fellows


The Sustainability Fellows program provides an opportunity for students of any discipline to participate in furthering sustainability efforts on the FSU campus and in the Tallahassee community. Sustainability Fellows can be selected from any major or field of study. Fellows work in collaboration with campus and community partners to actively engage in research, propose strategies, and identify opportunities for sustainability issues.


  • $250 stipend per semester
  • Tackle real-world sustainability challenges
  • Join a network of campus and community change agents
  • Receive support and professional development from Sustainable Campus
  • Fulfill FSU’s experiential learning graduation requirement through the Experience Recognition Program (ERP)


Fellows will be selected based on their academic background, professional experience, and personal statements. Individually or in small working groups, Fellows address a challenge related to environmental, social, and/or economic sustainability at FSU or in Tallahassee with a campus/community partnering organization.

The duration of the Fellows program is one academic semester. There will be opportunities for Fellows whose projects are ongoing to continue with the program for multiple semesters. Fellows are expected to work on their projects over the course of the semester. At the end of the fellowship, Fellows must submit a deliverable demonstrating their learning, for example, a research paper, poster, audio/visual presentation, etc.


  • Be a current FSU student throughout the fellowship period
  • Commit 60 hours per semester (or 5 hours per week) to project research
  • Attend orientation, mid-term check-in, and final presentations
  • Complete the Experiential Recognition Program Sustainability Fellows Canvas 0-credit course
  • Submit a deliverable to the project partner
  • Provide and receive feedback at multiple stages


Fellows Applications are open for the Summer 2025 Semester! You can apply here. Projects to choose from include the following (you will be prompted to choose your top three choices in the application):

Campus/ Community Partner 

Project Title 

Project Description 

Apalachee Regional Planning Council (Transportation Team) 

Photography of Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure  

The Fellow will create professional-quality photography of sustainable transportation infrastructure and group gatherings in a rural region for use in communication materials. The rural area includes Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf, Jackson, and Liberty Counties. Photos may include subjects such as sidewalks, street parking, marked crosswalks, bike lanes, shared use path, bike racks, etc. (Combination in-person and remote). 

Apalachee Region Planning Council (Resilience Team) 

Governance Structure in Resilience Collaboratives 

The Fellow will analyze governance models similar to those used by the Apalachee Resilience Collaborative and will recommend a framework that supports effective management, stakeholder engagement, and sustainable funding strategies. The Collaborative has faced challenges such as unclear roles and responsibilities among members, limited funding strategies, and coordination. The project would help promote efficiency, inclusivity, and sustainable sources of funding for the collaborative. (Can be fully remote). 

Apalachee Regional Planning Commission (Resilience Team) 

Apalachee Resilience Collaborative Branding 

The Fellow will design a cohesive brand identity for the Apalachee Resilience Collaborative. The project will include creating a new logo, defining a color palette, and developing communication guidelines that reflect the collaborative’s mission and values. (Can be fully remote). 

Apalachee Regional Planning Commission (Resilience Team) 

Apalachee Resilience Collaborative Communications Plan 

The Fellow will develop a comprehensive communications plan for the Apalachee Resilience Collaborative to improve stakeholder engagement, raise public awareness, and ensure consistent messaging about resilience initiatives across the nine counties in the Apalachee Region. The plan will include a social media strategy, content calendar, and template materials. (Can be fully remote). 

Apalachee Regional Planning Commission (Geospatial and Resilience Teams) 

Visual Materials for the Resilience Collaborative 

 The Fellow will produce visual materials (maps, diagrams, presentations) to support the work of the Apalachee Resilience Collaborative in engaging stakeholders and the public. The Fellow will need access to and experience with design software. Some GIS knowledge is preferable. (Can be fully remote). 

Apalachee Regional Planning (Resilience Team) 

Resilience Metrics Dashboard 

The Fellow will design and develop a Resilience Metrics Dashboard for the Apalachee Region. The dashboard will serve as a visual tool to monitor, analyze, and communicate resilience indicators, enabling stakeholders to track progress and make informed decisions on resilience planning efforts. The dashboard will provide a centralized platform for displaying data related to climate adaptation, flooding risks, and community resilience indicators. (Can be fully remote). 

Apalachee Regional Planning Commission (Transportation Team) 

Finding the WHY in Why Not 

The Fellow will find effective messaging to achieve “buy-in” from FSU students in an effort to reduce parking congestion and greenhouse gases on campus while saving students money on transportation costs. The Fellow will help find the right messaging to convince FSU students to try carpooling or other methods of transportation available through the RideOn application. Data will be gathered from multiple sources to determine the effectiveness of this project. And engagement levels and willingness to take the desired call to action in the ads will be gathered through Meta Insights and Google Analytics. The ride data will be gathered through the RideOn software application. (Combination of in-person and remote) 


Apalachicola Riverkeeper 

Apalachicola Riverkeeper Website Revivification 

Apalachicola Riverkeeper is an advocacy group for the Apalachicola River and its watershed. They are a member of the waterkeeper alliance. The Fellow for this project will research design elements that work well for other waterkeeper alliance chapters or other similar environmental organizations and recommend design elements for the Apalachicola Riverkeeper website. The Fellow will work closely with Riverkeeper staff to identify problem areas within their website, its story maps, and other web linkages and will recommend and help to implement solutions to make the website more streamlined and user-friendly. Some web design and/or other applicable experience will be necessary. (Can be fully remote). 


Conservation Pathways 

Fundraising for a Conservation Non-Profit 

Conservation Pathways provides professional development, scientific research, mentorship, and networking experiences to Tallahassee area college and high school students interested in pursuing a career in conservation and natural resource management.  As a new non-profit, Pathways needs to increase its presence in the community. The goal of this project is to help get Conservation Pathways' the funding it needs in order to continue with and expand their work. The Fellow for this project will identify various successful fundraising tools as well as targeted audiences for fundraising and how to reach them. And they will develop multiple fundraising campaigns with a campaign map for Conservation Pathways to use. (Can be fully remote). 

Conservation Pathways 

Grant Research and Writing for a Conservation Non-Profit 

Conservation Pathways is a new non-profit organization based in Tallahassee. The organization provides professional development, scientific research, mentorship, and networking experiences to students at FSU, FAMU, and TSC interested in pursuing a career in conservation and natural resource management. As a small non-profit CP depends on grants to fund their programming and is looking for help with a targeted grant search.  The fellow will search to find grant opportunities based on provided program goals, communicate with the granting organization to ensure a good fit, and begin the application process, with guidance from Conservation Pathways staff. (Can be fully remote) 

Florida Springs Council 

Digital Education of Springs Lovers with the Florida Springs Council 

The Florida Springs Council is a non-profit organization focused on protecting and restoring Florida's springs and spring-fed waterways. The Fellow for this project will develop a strategic communications campaign to educate audiences in areas where FSC feels it could build a stronger membership, including Marion, Polk, Columbia, Citrus, and Seminole counties. The fellow will create social media assets—these might be short-form or long-form videos, graphics, or photography depending on the interest and expertise of the Fellow—that could be used as paid ads on Instagram and Facebook and that explain impacts to Florida’s springs and encourage audiences to join the Florida Springs Council to get involved in the movement. (Can be fully remote). 

Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

Away-From-Home Recycling Data Gathering 

The Fellow will provide recycling containers and educational information to patrons of public recreation areas. They will also collect data on the amount of material collected and determine the amount of GHGs saved by recycling plastics and aluminum. They will then present their results to the project partner. (Combination of in-person and remote). 

Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

Waste Reduction & Recycling Pilot Program 

The Fellow will develop a comprehensive plan for state agencies to incorporate recycling and food waste reduction measures.  

They will do so by collecting data, designing signage, and developing a one-page sheet for future pilots/programs to follow.  

FSU Facilities 

Recycling Process/Cost Analysis 

The Fellow will visit the FSU recycling center and study our recycling processes and will also obtain the proper internal and vendor documents to assess the financial side of FSU recycling. The Fellow will, additionally, research alternative processes of recycling and present their findings to the project partner (Facilities). The research will focus on cardboard and paper recycling in particular.  (Fully in-person). 

FSU Facilities and FSU Grounds & Landscaping 

Campus Tree Mapping Data Collection 

Two Fellows will be paired together to survey a section of campus where they will gather GIS and botanical data (using a GIS backpack, tree caliper tape, and Biltmore sticks). This data will be used for a forthcoming update to the FSU campus tree map, accounting for which trees have been newly planted, been moved, or died, while also updating the data on tree height and circumference. Students do NOT need to apply in pairs (individual applicants will be grouped). Training will be provided for how to use the GIS tracking equipment (prior knowledge welcome, though NOT required). The Fellow will, however, need some prior botanical knowledge for tree identification (Fully in-person). 


Leon County Office of Sustainability  

Leon County Landscape Solutions 

Leon County faces challenges with landscaping in urban areas and is exploring solutions to maximize green space. The Fellow will recommend a landscape design that balances practical constraints with ecological benefit. The design plan is intended to increase the amount of green space in these locations and account for the unique challenges of plant selection and maximized ecological benefit. This project will include introductory research on native plant species used in landscaping in North Florida and the creation of a detailed map of the chosen area and the native plants the student recommends be planted there. (Combination in-person and remote) 


St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge 

St Marks National Wildlife Refuge ADA Trail Waysides 

The Fellow will create waysides (interpretive signs) for a multiple use trail in St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge that will include QR codes for users to access text-to-speech recordings of the text on the informational signs. The project will extend the user base for all visitors. The Fellow will need to work collaboratively with park rangers on site to view the trail, the habitats, and the flora and fauna that would be included on the interpretive signs. Creating the graphics and the text to speech components for the QR codes could be done remotely. (Combination in-person and remote). 


Sustainability Fellows facilitates collaboration between FSU faculty and students and campus/community partners. Through this program, students gain hands-on experience and connect with professionals in the field while campus and community partners benefit from university resources, research, and faculty.

All campus departments and community organizations interested in working with fellows are invited to participate in the program by submitting project proposals. Community organizations can include government departments, local businesses, non-profit organizations, and other groups in the Tallahassee area, the state of Florida, or the Southeast region. For more information, please check out this resource.


*Click on the name of each Fellow to access a blog post or more information about their project.

Spring 2025 Sustainability Fellows


Calla Curry

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Sociology 

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council 

Project: Resilience Metrics Dashboard Development 

Calla is a third-year undergraduate studying sociology, with a minor in urban and regional planning. She is eager to work with the Apalachee Regional Planning Council in conducting research for a dashboard tracking resilience metrics. She is excited about the opportunity to contribute to the region’s environmental planning toolkit. She intends to pursue a master’s in planning, and in the future hopes to build communities that are sustainable and abundant in housing. She thinks of sustainability as a combination of respecting the natural world and shaping human systems in a way that enables present and future generations to thrive. Calla’s connection to the concept stems from a deep love for the outdoors.  



Camila Campos Lam

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Political Science 

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council 

Project: Sustainable Building Materials 

Camila is in her final undergraduate semester, confidently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. Her passion for international development, sustainability, and art drives her ambitions. She is set to lead a project on Sustainable Building Materials with the Apalachee Regional Planning Council. In addition, she works as a Graphic Designer on the communications team for FSU Sustainable Campus, effectively fostering community engagement in sustainability initiatives. 


Ella Lenhart

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Biological Sciences 

Campus/Community Partner: City of Tallahassee  

Project: Communicating Tallahassee's Energy Needs in the context of the Clean Energy Transition 

Ella is a third-year undergraduate student in Biological Sciences who is hoping to go to Medical/Dental School in the future. She is so excited to have been given this opportunity to improve her knowledge about sustainability and to continue her involvement in this passion. She is hoping to raise more awareness about clean energy and put time into this project to make it easier for others to learn about the benefits in investing back into the planet. 


Elliot Sipperley

Program: Second Year Undergraduate Student in Public Relations & Marketing  

Campus/Community Partner: Conservation Pathways 

Project: Social Media and Marketing 

Elliot Sipperley is a second-year student completing a dual degree in public relations and marketing. She is excited to be a part of the Sustainability Fellows program and work with Conservation Pathways to increase its presence in the community. In the future, she hopes to help sustainable businesses grow and succeed, and knows this fellowship experience will help her accomplish this goal. Elliot believes sustainability is vital and that everyone should strive to incorporate mindful sustainability practices into their everyday lives to the best of their ability.  



Harper West

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in History and Environment & Society 

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Springs Council 

Project: Tracking Climate and Energy Bills 

Harper West is a second-year student pursuing a Dual Degree in History and Environment & Society with a minor in economics. Passionate about environmental justice efforts, she hopes to have a career in environmental law where she can advocate for policy that promotes climate justice in disadvantaged communities. She is excited to gain experience with environmental policy by working with the Florida Springs Council to research and track climate and energy bills during the 2025 legislative session. To her, incorporating sustainability into human activity at all levels is crucial for the preservation of the environment. 


Kaetlyn Patnaude

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science and Economics 

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability 

Project: Green Roof Energy/Cost Analysis 

Kaetlyn is seeking experiences to prepare for a career in environmental consulting. As a Sustainability Fellow, she looks forward to collaborating with the Leon County Office of Sustainability to explore nature-based solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with a particular focus on the energy efficiency benefits of green roofs to inform urban planning and sustainability efforts. She believes that sustainability should serve as a guiding principle in balancing human activities with the natural world. For her, a sustainable future involves advancing a circular economy and recognizing the intersections between environmental, social, and economic factors. 


Kaitlin Luciano

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science 

Campus/Community Partner: City of Tallahassee 

Project: City of Tallahassee Greenhouse Gas Inventory 

Kaitlin hopes to become a sustainability consultant so she can help lower corporations’ environmental impact. She would like to help companies increase sustainability efforts in their supply chains to make a difference in production and address the root of the problem. Her definition of sustainability is making a positive difference to the planet’s society, environment, and economic status to help keep everything running smoothly for the next generations to thrive. She grew up by the ocean and has seen firsthand how humans have negatively affected this environment which has driven her to want to reverse that change. 


Maggie Giacopelli

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science 

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Sustainable Campus 

Project: Proposing Greek Goes Green Program to FSL 

Maggie is a third-year undergraduate majoring in Environmental Science with a passion for environmental advocacy. She is eager to gain hands-on experience and make a positive impact within her community. Her goal is to promote and implement sustainable practices within Greek Life and the broader FSL community, aiming to reach a new audience and inspire positive environmental change. She is excited to contribute to a more sustainable future through education and action. 


Marley Barrows

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science & Policy 

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

Project: Recycling and Waste Reduction Economic Benefits Educational Material Development 

Marley Barrows is a third-year undergraduate majoring in Environmental Science and Policy. In her career, she hopes to make a lasting positive impact on the environment by working with different groups to educate the public about the fragility of the environment and by tackling environmental issues from a policy perspective. Working to communicate with and educate different stakeholders through this project will be important to help work towards a more sustainable world. To her, a sustainable world is one where we make efforts to support and better the environment so that it can continue to support us.   


Sophia Lomax

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science & Policy 

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council 

Project: Resilient Transportation Systems 

Sophia is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in Environmental Science and Policy with a minor in Urban Development and Regional Planning. She is dedicated to increasing access and connectivity for communities –especially marginalized ones– through their transportation networks. Her passion for facilitating active communities promotes sustainability through the reduction of auto-reliance; improving health and social connectivity, and creating opportunities for economic growth. 

Fall 2024 Sustainability Fellows

Chris Watkins

Program: Fifth Year Graduate Student in English Creative Writing

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Eco-Writing Workshop Series

Chris Watkins is a poet/writer, professor, PhD candidate, and environmental activist. They believe the written word can affect real environmental change when it encourages real-world actions (like those of FSU Sustainable Campus). They look forward to engaging with FSU’s student writers in discussions of ecopoetry, environmental nonfiction, and clifi (climate fiction), and to leading generative writing workshops designed to move students beyond mere nature writing and into eco-activist work.

Grace Nares

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in International Affairs and Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project: Recycling in Maclay Gardens

Grace is a third-year undergraduate part of the Dual Degree program for International Affairs and Public Health. She is excited to work with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to explore localized community engagement and how these efforts can lead to positive impacts in different aspects of life such as health, wellbeing, and even productivity. Grace is ready to grow with the project as its focus shifts towards a community-based event at Maclay Gardens State Park for families, students, and regulars of the park. She hopes that the work she does with the FDEP can lead to positive changes in the lives of locals!

Jonus Goldstein

Program: Undergraduate Student 

Campus/Community Partner: Tall Timbers

Project: Solar Powered EV Charger Stations

Jonus hopes to further his knowledge of how local government works on sustainable infrastructure as well as enhance his project management skills.

Summer 2024 Sustainability Fellows

Aakash Thornton

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Geology

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council

Project: Vulnerability Assessment Work for Franklin County and Gadsden County

Aakash is a second-year undergraduate majoring in Geology. He hopes to become a hydrologist after he graduates and believes that the experience and skills gained through sustainability fellows will get him there. Aakash hopes to gain more experience with GIS and the practical usage of UAVs throughout the fellowship. He believes that sustainability is essential for future development and properly collecting and processing current information is the key to doing so. He is excited to aid in the endeavor with the Apalachee Regional Planning Council doing vulnerability assessments through GIS and aerial photo analysis. 

Alejandra Mejia

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Media/Communication Studies and Economics

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Rising

Project: Policy Proposal Centering Directly Impacted People and the Necessity for Safe Affordable Housing

Alejandra Mejia is a rising junior double majoring in Media/Communications Studies and Economics. She hopes to learn more about different sustainability tactics both through  communications and economic ways of thinking. She is excited to be part of the Summer 2024 Sustainability Fellows Cohort, working with Florida Rising in assessing housing here in the state. She considers that sustainability continues to be a part of each of our lives to have a world where our descendants will be able to live in and thrive.

Bella Antonelli

Program: Second Year Undergraduate Student in Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Coastal Plains Institute

Project: Ephemeral Pond Field Guide Illustrations

Bella Antonelli is a second-year undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Environmental Science and policy. She is excited to incorporate her love of art with her knowledge of sustainability to help develop a field guide for ephemeral ponds. She is interested in learning more about the environment, its habitats, and the way they interact. Being part of a team that recognizes the importance of balance between the environment and the population will allow Bella to collaborate with people who share her passion for environmental conservation. 

Charlotte Stuart-Tilley

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in International Affairs and French

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Master Class Recyclers Research

Charlotte Stuart-Tilley is a second-year student in International Affairs and French who is passionate about human rights and sustainability. Charlotte hopes to work in education or immigration after graduating and will always seek to make a positive environmental impact in the community she lives in. For her, sustainability is about creating long-term, functional systems that care for both people and the environment. 

Finley Stein

Program: Third Year Undergraduate Student in Film Production

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus and FSU Film School

Project: FSU Film School PEACHy Standards

Finley Stein is a junior studying film production with a specialty in visual effects and computer graphics. After graduating, they hope to enter freelance VFX work while committing free time to local activism efforts in Los Angeles. From their work on dozens of student film sets, they have seen the ways in which these productions can fall short of sustainability targets, often as a result of high stress. Finley, joined by Keith Cohen, led a successful campaign in their most recent production cycle, that greatly reduced the amount of waste produced on sets, and eliminated single-use plastic water bottles entirely. This summer, Finley, Keith, and an MFA classmate, Will Hill, will be composing a handbook that details ways in which students can uphold sustainable practices. Using this handbook as a framework, the College of Motion Picture Arts administration will be more readily able to enforce green sets. 

Grace Nares

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in International Affairs and Public Health 

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

Project: Creating a Recycling Program at Maclay Gardens 

Grace is a third-year undergraduate part of the Dual Degree program for International Affairs and Public Health. She is excited to work with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and understand how to work with Public Administration in localized sustainability efforts. Grace is excited to work with a public park to create a recycling program that fits into the scene of the park and that also serves as a way to inform to public of local action they can take to promote community sustainability! 

James Hurst

Program: Fourth Year undergraduate in Environment and Society 

Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council 

Project: Regional Economic Development Strategy Dashboard 

James is a fourth-year student in Environment and Society. He hopes to work in large-scale carbon reduction initiatives on corporate and government levels. James’ definition of sustainability is the ability to keep going. Sustainability often gets an environmental connotation which is good, but it reached beyond that for him. Economic and social sustainability are just as important as reaching environmental goals. 

Keith Cohen

Program: Third Year Undergraduate Student in Film Production

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus and FSU Film School

Project: FSU Film School PEACHy Standards

Keith Cohen is a student filmmaker at Florida State University’s College of Motion Picture Arts. As an aspiring writer-director, he hopes to advocate for animal welfare and environmentalism through his filmography. He believes there is much untapped potential within the film and entertainment industry to raise awareness and resources to provide a voice for the voiceless. He believes art is one of the greatest catalysts for change, and if he can make something that changes our world for the better, he intends to do so. 

Lauren Pinder

Program: Second Year Undergraduate Student in Environmental Science

Campus/Community Partner: Coastal Plains Institute

Project: Ephemeral Pond Field Guide Illustrations

Lauren Pinder is a second-year undergraduate majoring in Environmental Science. She is excited to join Florida State University’s Sustainability Fellows and work with the Coastal Plains Institute to provide a field identification guide for the ephemeral ponds in Apalachicola National Forest. Lauren believes that sustainability is the preservation and protection of our planet while considering the environment, wellbeing of all organisms, economy and industries that support us. She is also an undergraduate research assistant for FSU’s Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science Department. Lauren strives to pursue a graduate degree in Oceanography and Conservation Science after her undergraduate degree is completed. 

Mackenzie Childs

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate Student in Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project: Assisting FDEP in Creating a Recycling Program in Nims Middle School

Mackenzie is a fourth-year undergraduate, majoring in Environment and Society. She hopes to learn more about implementing sustainable programs through partnering with FDEP to create a Recycling Program at a Leon County middle school. Being able to create this program will not only allow waste to be diverted from the landfill but it will also educate kids about recycling and the importance of sustainability.

Maria Romero Nunez

Program: Second Year Undergraduate Student in Behavioral Neuroscience

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project: Assisting FDEP in Creating a Recycling Program in Nims Middle School

Maria is a second-year undergraduate in Behavioral Neuroscience hoping to gain more insight into the development of sustainability practices. After completing her undergraduate degree, Maria hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Urban Planning and believes working as a Sustainability Fellow will assist in developing the skills necessary to be successful. Maria is excited to collaborate with others and gain skills in professionalism. She believes that educating young individuals about the importance of sustainability plays a key role in developing a successful, healthy community. Maria hopes to have a positive impact on local recycling initiatives as she learns about sustainability with FDEP. 

Samantha Jimenez

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate Student in English Creative Writing

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: Communicating a New Food Recovery and Food Access Collaboration

Samantha is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in Creative Writing, while working as the Social Media Coordinator for FSU Sustainable Campus. She hopes to apply her communication and creative skills as she works with the FSU Food for Thought Pantry. Her goal is to better inform people about food waste and the pantry's installment of a new on-campus donation bin, as well as destigmatize the issue of food insecurity as it greatly impacts college students. 

Sina Jangjoo

Program: Third Year Graduate Student in Public Administration and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council

Project: Solar Industry Workforce Research

Sina is a PhD Candidate in Public Administration and Policy at FSU. He is a passionate researcher with a focus on improving urban living through public policy and administration. His research interests span across urban planning, sustainability, and social equity, with a particular focus on how nonprofit organizations can contribute to the wellbeing of communities. He holds two master's degrees in Urban Planning and Public Administration, providing him with a strong foundation for tackling complex urban challenges. Outside of academia, he is a dedicated runner training for his next marathon, and a big sports fan!

Will Hill

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Virtual Production

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus and FSU Film School

Project: FSU Film School PEACHy Standards

Will Hill is a multifaceted creative filmmaker currently in his first year of the FSU Film School MFA program specializing in Virtual Production. His professional interests include immersive world-building, multimedia projects, and explorations of human consciousness. The goal of his craft is to better understand how art might shape individual/group behavior and culture into forms that cultivate empathy and sustainability in built, natural, and social constructs. Will also loves travel, chocolate, time at home with his fiancé and cats, and moments in nature. Some of his creative endeavors can be seen at   

Spring 2024 Sustainability Fellows


Ashley Miller

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Geography

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

Project: Food Waste Reduction Toolkit

Ashley is a second-year undergraduate, majoring in Geography. She is looking forward to working with FDEP to reduce food waste because it allows communities to improve their environmental impact and better distribute resources. She is currently the Sustainable Campus Food Recovery Network Coordinator and hopes to gain skills in professionalism and enhance her food waste education skills. Ashley strives to pursue a graduate degree in Urban Planning and believes her time as a Sustainability Fellow will help her achieve her goal.



Gabriella Mohammed

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Environmental Engineering

Campus/Community Partner: City of Tallahassee Utilities

Project: Energy Storage Innovation for Clean Energy Plan

Gabriella is a first-year undergraduate in Environmental Engineering hoping to learn more about the energy industry, particularly concentrating on renewable energy. She is excited because this project will allow her to work independently and collaborate on research regarding energy storage technology. Energy storage plays a key role in mitigating climate change by reducing carbon emissions which is a personal goal of Gabirella's as an Eco-Rep and climate advocate for FSU.

Geetanjali Srivastava

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Political Science

Campus/Community Partner: GenCLEO 

Project: Accessible & Sustainable Public Transportation in Tallahassee: Bus Stops and Solar Panels

Geetanjali is ready to learn more about sustainability and to make a tangible change in the Tallahassee community. She is excited to research the feasibility and benefits of shading and solar panels on bus stops in Tallahassee. To Geetanjali, sustainability is mindful advancement. Many times, people have the misconception that sustainability means changing the ways of the world, however, sustainability is simply advancement while being mindful about the future of humanity.

Isabella Marmanidis

Program: First Year Graduate in Demography

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council

Project: Economic Development in Rural Communities

Isabella will be working with the Apalachee Regional Council to research economic development in rural communities. This project connects to her professional goals because she is interested in aiding the community's development and improving the quality of life for all. Isabella hopes to learn about what goes into policy-making and what sustainability initiatives and economic planning look like at the government level.

Jonus Goldstein

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Management Information Systems

Campus/Community Partner: City of Tallahassee Utilities 

Project: Solar PV, Solar Hot Water, and Electric Vehicle Charging Systems Checkup

Jonus will be working on the Solar PV, Solar Hot Water, and Electric Vehicle Charging Systems Checkup where he will evaluate City solar panel system health and EV usage rates, streamline monitoring processes, and provide relevant recommendations. This project connects with his goal of improving sustainable infrastructure within the Tallahassee community. Jonus hopes to further his knowledge of how local government works on sustainable infrastructure as well as enhance his project management skills.

Kiana Sweger

Program:  Third Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project: Rethink. Reset. Recycle. Website Phase 2

Kiana is excited to be a fellow and work on making real improvements in sustainability in Tallahassee. She is going to be working on the Rethink. Reset. Recycle. Website project with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. She believes it is important for the public to be informed about recycling practices in the area, and this website will help spread that information. Kiana hopes to have a positive impact on sustainable initiatives as she learns about sustainability in a professional setting with FDEP.


Kyle Rutter

Program:  Fourth Year Undergraduate in International Affairs and Economics

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project: Public Sector Recycling Reporting Program

Kyle is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in International Affairs and Economics. His professional focus is on international development and he hopes to pursue a career in public service. He believes recycling is a great sustainable practice in any community, regardless of income or location, so he is excited to contribute to this project and see its impact on public agencies in Florida. Kyle hopes to gain more experience working in public service and learn the best ways to connect with various public agencies to achieve project goals. 

Madison Askins

Program:  Fourth Year Undergraduate in Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Update and Refine the GreenMap

Madison is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in Public Health. She hopes to become an environmental specialist after she graduates and believes her experience as a Sustainability Fellow will help get her there. She will be working on the GreenMap for the Leon County Office of Sustainability and is excited to apply her Public Health knowledge to the project by improving community health through the environmental opportunities available. Madison hopes to gain project management skills and practical experience by working closely with professionals.

McKinnon Bell

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Media Communication Studies

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainable Campus YouTube Revamp

McKinnon is in the final semester of her master's program in the School of Communication and works as the Graduate Communications Coordinator for FSU Sustainable Campus. For her project, she is working to revamp the Sustainable Campus YouTube channel. She is especially excited about this project as it combines her passions for social media content creation, podcasting, and producing videos. Finding new ways to communicate sustainability engagingly works to bring more people into the conversation, and therefore have more perspectives working together to tackle issues. 

Miraa Shukla

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Interior Architecture and Design

Campus/Community Partner: GenCLEO

Project: Accessible & Sustainable Public Transportation in Tallahassee: Bus Stops and Solar Panels

Miraa is a first-year undergraduate in Interior Architecture and Design and she is excited about this project because she has a passion for sustainable buildings and products. This project presents her with a unique opportunity to implement sustainable design principles in practical scenarios and learn from professionals in the field. She hopes to complement her studies and enhance her understanding of the environmental and social impacts of design decisions while building meaningful connections to learn from in the sustainability and urban planning communities. 

Nastya Sidorova

Program: First Year Graduate in Higher Education Administration

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Regional Planning Council

Project: Economic Development in Rural Communities

Nastya is a first-year graduate student in the Higher Education Administration program and works as the Sustainability Graduate Coordinator for Sustainable Campus. She believes sustainability plays a paramount role in her daily life, personally and professionally, and has had the opportunity to get hands-on experience in applying the principles of sustainable development. She hopes to learn more practical ways to make education more sustainable and tackle environmental and economic problems in the community.

Fall 2023 Sustainability Fellows



Sarah Gibson

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Political Science/Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus 

Project: Greek Goes Green Coordinator

Sarah is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in Political Science and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, with a concentration in Public Service. She is interested in exploring the overlap between sustainability and policymaking, specifically the effects of climate change on low-income public service recipients. Sustainability to Sarah is achieving economic, environmental, and social success in present times without compromising the well-being of future generations. She believes that there is a place for sustainability in every sphere of work and hopes to promote that idea to campus organizations through her role as a Sustainability Fellow. 


Summer 2023 Sustainability Fellows



Fiari LeGrand

Program: Third Year Undergraduate Student in Environmental Engineering

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainability Guide

Fiari LeGrand is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Environmental engineering. She is driven by her passion for people and issues of environmental injustice with hopes to pursue a career in innovation, working specifically with populations most affected by environmental racism. If Fiari had to define sustainability in one sentence it would be; To prepare for the future, while meeting the needs of the present and avoiding the mistakes of the past. 

Nia Ogletree

Program: Third Year Undergraduate Student in Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Tallahassee

Project: Position Statements

Nia Ogletree is a junior studying Environment & Society with minors in Urban & Regional Planning and African American Studies. After completing their undergraduate studies, Nia hopes to pursue work in local sustainability or environmental protection. Nia looks forward to learning new perspectives of sustainability from their time as a Fellow and is excited to work with the community partners. To Nia, sustainability goes beyond the general idea of the conservation of resources and encompasses working towards improving social justice and community issues. 

Lydia Shackelford

Program: Second Year Undergraduate Student in Dietetics

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: Efficient Service Delivery: Uniting Principles of Dietetics, Sustainability, and Food Insecurity Intervention

Lydia Shackelford is a second year undergraduate in the Dietetics program. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school and earn accreditation as a dietitian. Lydia hopes to work as a clinical dietitian and eventually open a private practice, where she will focus on helping those with digestive diseases and autoimmune illnesses. She is excited to learn how to combine her knowledge of nutrition with sustainability practices to benefit the Florida State community. From this experience, she hopes to implement the knowledge of food insecurity intervention and the minimization of food waste into her personal life and professional career. 

Marion Knowles

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning and Public Administration

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: FSU Environmental Metrics

Marion is an Urban and Regional Planning and Public Administration Joint Pathway Graduate Student. She previously graduated from Florida State University's Political Science Program and is interested in sustainability policy in Florida and continued environmental stewardship within the state. To Marion, sustainability is efficiently maximizing the current resources without compromising the quality and quantity of future resources.

Carly McGovern

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate Student in Environment and Society and Political Science

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Sustainable Surplus

Carly is a senior majoring in Environment and Society and Political Science with a minor in Geography. She is passionate about making sustainability a part of everyday life and accessible to all. Carly currently works at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection but hopes to one day work on environmental issues on a national level. During the sustainability fellows program, she will be helping to create a system to catalog and redistribute surplus office furniture and supplies among county office buildings in an effort to reduce waste. She hopes to use this as an opportunity to learn how to promote proper resource stewardship in other workplaces. Carly would describe sustainability as supporting the longevity of future generations by protecting our environmental resources. 

Andelino Calderon

Program:  Fourth Year Undergraduate Student in Dietetics

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: Efficient Service Delivery: Uniting Principles of Dietetics, Sustainability, and Food Insecurity Intervention

Andelino is a fourth-year student in the College of Health and Human Sciences pursuing a dual degree in Dietetics and Exercise Physiology. He wishes to pursue the Dietician [RD] accreditation which requires an advanced degree in nutrition. Outside of the opportunities provided through the Sustainability Fellowship, Andelino has worked in the Institute of Sport Sciences & Medicine (ISSM) at FSU. In Andelino’s eyes sustainability & harmony with our planet is the goal for humanity; Andelino believes that we have the collective means and resources to feed every individual, yet many go hungry. Through this experience he wishes to better understand the challenges of food safety, food waste, and food insecurity in the context of Community Nutrition. With his learned understanding of the world, Andelino will advocate for the power of exercise and nutrition for human health and prosperity.  

Spring 2023 Sustainability Fellows



Kolby Gawlik

Program: Third Year Undergraduate Student in Environment & Society and Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Centralized Waste Station Research

Kolby Gawlik is a senior majoring in Environment & Society and Public Health. He plans on pursuing a Master’s of Science in Planning next year, where he would focus on planning for population health and the environment. Kolby wants to use his education to kickstart a career of working on sustainability initiatives in urban landscapes. Growing up in the Chicagoland area, his interest in sustainability stemmed from witnessing the effects air pollution, waste disposal, and heat waves had on the city. The Sustainability Fellows Program allows him to connect with the Tallahassee community while gaining practical experience in his field. Kolby would define sustainability as utilizing Earth's natural resources and ecosystem services in a way that protects them from degradation and enhances their connection to communities.

Sarah Gibson

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Political Science/Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Greek Goes Green Coordinator 

Sarah is a third-year undergraduate majoring in Political Science and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, with a concentration in Public Service. She is interested in exploring the overlap between sustainability and policy making, specifically the effects of climate change on low-income public service recipients. Sustainability to Sarah is achieving economic, environmental, and social success in present times without compromising the wellbeing of future generations. She believes that there is a place for sustainability in every sphere of work and hopes to promote that idea to campus organizations through her role as a Sustainability Fellow. 

Shanaya Jaitly 

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment & Society and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Rethink. Reset. Recycle. Website Phase 2 Development

Shanaya Jaitly is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a dual degree in Environment and Society and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. She is driven by her passion for sustainability and issues of environmental injustice and hopes to pursue a career in advocacy, working specifically with environmental policy geared towards combatting anthropogenic climate change. She is looking forward to participating in the Sustainability Fellows program and having the opportunity to engage the greater Tallahassee community in issues of sustainability and conservation. To Shanaya, sustainability refers to actions that promote longevity and self-sufficiency and meet the needs of all individuals.

Sina Jangjoo

Program: Public Administration and Policy Ph.D. Student 

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Emergency Management

Project: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Sina graduated from Shiraz University with a Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning and Design and two certificates in journalism and Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Ecosystem, and a Master's degree in Urban and Reginal Planning. He is working on his Ph.D. degree here at FSU in Public Administration and Policy.  

His research focuses on finding more sustainable and resilient ways of living through social innovation and community engagement. In his spare time, you can find Sina running, swimming, exploring trails, or playing soccer. 

Samantha Kaddis

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environment & Society and Psychology

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Tallahassee

Project: Position Statements

Samantha Kaddis is a senior double majoring in Environment and Society and Psychology, as well as minoring in General Business. She is very passionate about sustainability and protecting our environment and is delighted to be working on the Position Statements Project with Sustainable Tallahassee. Samantha is excited to see what she can learn from this opportunity and where it can take her in the future. 

Jason Klein

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment & Society  

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Food Waste Prevention, Reduction, and Recycling at K-12 Schools

Jason Klein is a third-year Environment and Society student, pursuing a career in the fields of Sustainability and Conservation. He plans to utilize his time as a Sustainability Fellow to gain leadership skills and to help him determine his interests regarding sustainability.  To Jason, sustainability means improving the world while avoiding harmful practices that will negatively impact future generations. 

Susan Morales

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Sociology and Women's Studies

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) 

Project: Food Waste Prevention, Reduction, and Recycling at K-12 Schools

Susan is a 4th year Sociology and Women’s Studies major who values equity and sustainability as a form of social justice. When she is not in a classroom on FSU campus, she enjoys trying new recipes, making Spotify playlists, and spending time with friends. 

Mary Noonan

Program: Second Year Graduate in Urban and Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Leon County Landscaping

Mary Noonan is a second year Urban and Regional Planning graduate student with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Policy. With a focus on environmental planning and urban design, Mary hopes to combine her understanding of sustainable systems with a passion for art and design to develop more functional greenspaces within municipalities. Mary is excited to work with local stakeholders to enrich environments within Leon County and provide planning consultation for future projects. 

Kalijah Rahming

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Sociology and Humanities

Campus/Community Partner: Healing Arts Alliance

Project: Membership Directory

Kalijah is a senior at FSU studying Sociology and Humanities. She is thankful to be a member of the Spring 2023 Sustainability Fellows cohort and is excited to learn how she can implement sustainable practices into her day-to-day life. 

Natalie Stiles

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Interior Architecture and Design

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: Sustainable Design

Natalie Stiles is a fourth-year undergraduate in the Interior Architecture and Design program. She is most interested in sustainable design for commercial fields and became a LEED Green Associate in December of 2022. To Natalie, sustainability is integral to the built environment and necessary for promising a positive environmental, economic, and social future. 

E Thomas

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Project: Leon County Landscaping

E is a first-year undergraduate studying environmental science. They hope to work in urban planning or environmental restoration in the future, and are excited to work on a project that relates to both of these interests. Sustainability, to E, is primarily about respect, restraint, and understanding in the way humans interact with the environment and gather the resources necessary for daily life. 

Summer 2022 Sustainability Fellows



Gabriella Benacquisto

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Affairs

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainability Research and Grant Funding

Gabriella Benacquisto is a first year Urban and Regional Planning graduate student with a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs. Focusing her studies on environmental planning, she hopes to make sustainable choices more accessible for all community members in her work after graduation. To Gabriella, sustainability is ethical and holistic practices that protect the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems for current and future generations to thrive in harmony with.

Jaylin Green

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Jazz Performance and Environmental Science & Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Citizens for a Sustainable Future

Project: Environmental Justice Citizen Response Training Camp

Jaylin Green is a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in Jazz Performance and Environmental Science & Policy. He has a focus on sustainable agriculture and energy systems. Raised in Jacksonville, Florida, Jaylin is extremely familiar with the food desert crisis in America and wishes to impact his own community by creating low input systems of growing food for those in need. As a first-generation college student Jaylin has met many setbacks and hardships in this chapter of his life but continues to show that resilience and his will to learn are his greatest strengths.

Gabrielle Holland

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Social Work/Public Administration

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainability Research and Grant Funding

Gabrielle Holland is a second-year Master of Social Work/Public Administration student. She works in Development, assisting with fundraising and grants management. After graduation, she plans to work in contract management. In the past, Gabrielle has worked with organizations that provide services to those experiencing homelessness to agencies that focus on grant research and Development. As a Social Worker, she is passionate about making sure communities and programs are sustainable. Gabrielle defines sustainability as the ability to maintain a program or community long-term, resulting in a positive impact on the economy

Anna Lewis

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Organics Rule Change Educational Material Development

Anna is a current graduate student in the Urban and Regional Planning Master’s program, where she is specializing in International Sustainable Development Planning. After graduating from the program, Anna hopes to live in Europe working as an environmental planning consultant. Anna was interested in the Sustainability Fellows program because of the way it allows students to work with real-world partners on tangible projects and goals in the field of sustainable development. The projects for the summer semester were also particularly intriguing to Anna, as many of them related to concepts of achieving the circular economy, such as recycling and composting. To Anna, sustainability is about establishing a high level of economic, environmental, and social wellbeing that does not jeopardize the quality of life of future generations

Paul Lim

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Social Entrepreneurship 

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Reducing Commercial Waste in Florida

Paul is a recent graduate of the Urban and Regional Planning Master program and is currently pursuing a second master's in the Social Entrepreneurship Program majoring in Social and Sustainable Enterprises. His professional goals are focused on just sustainable development through city planning, conservation, and business development through innovation and collaboration. Paul joined the Sustainability Fellows program to expose himself to sustainability metrics and implementation of policies/acts that drive sustainability in businesses and communities. To Paul, sustainability encompasses adaptability and resiliency in the face of a changing climate, political landscape, and social constructs that each play a role in efforts of collaboration and innovation as the means to achieve a sustainable end

Sabrina Matura

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science & Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability 

Project: Leon County EV Charger Mapping and EV Readiness Guide Development

Sabrina is majoring in Environmental Science and Policy and minoring in STEM Entrepreneurship and hope to work with businesses in becoming more sustainable in my future endeavors. She is very interested in Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and wants to work for a big business including Amazon or Apple. Sabrina was interested in the Fellows Program because she really wants to make an impact in my community regarding sustainability and is super excited to continue to work with the Leon County Office of Sustainability this semester! Sustainability to Sabrina is living in harmony with the environment and using resources in a way that preserves them for future generations. 


Victoria Rogers-Rivera

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Political Science/International Affairs

Campus/Community Partner: Citizens for a Sustainable Future

Project: Environmental Justice Citizen Response Training Camp

Vi Rogers-Rivera is a junior majoring in Political Science and International Affairs with a minor in Spanish and Environment & Society. They're goal is to become an environmental lawyer focused on environmental justice. Vi joined the Sustainability Fellows program in order to educate and engage with their peers on environmental justice issues as well as learn about community organizing. Sustainability means creating systems that work with their communities to conserve and enrich the environment around us

Trinity White

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Spanish

Campus/Community Partner: Healing Arts Alliance

Project: Healing Arts Storytelling and Journalism

Trinity White, a Spanish B.A. undergrad, would describe sustainability, as a means of combating overconsumption and wastefulness of natural resources. Within the Sustainable Fellows program, she will partner with the Healing Art Alliance in order to promote holistic health within the Tallahassee community. One day, Trinity hopes to improve the quality of life of disenfranchised individuals via outreach.

Spring 2022 Sustainability Fellows

Juan A. Arguelles Ortiz

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Analysis of FSU Research and Teaching

Juan is an educational and professional background in biochemistry and biotechnology and is currently a first-year Master of Public Health Student. He has experience working as a quality control as well as an analytical chemist within several medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies and hopes to leverage his analysis background to further study the relationship between climate change, health, and bioethics. His attraction towards the Sustainability Fellowship program is due to its goal of providing students guidance carrying out real-world sustainability projects. Juan defines sustainability as an approach that considers future generations in developing practices to meet current needs.



Gabriella Benacquisto

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Affairs

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Project: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Analysis of FSU Research and Teaching

Gabriella Benacquisto is a first year Urban and Regional Planning graduate student with a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs. Focusing her studies on environmental planning, she hopes to make sustainable choices more accessible for all community members in her work after graduation. To Gabriella, sustainability is ethical and holistic practices that protect the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems for current and future generations to thrive in harmony with.

Trinity Iwicki 

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in the Environment and Society Program

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Food Waste Prevention Educator

Trinity is a second year Environment and Society student, looking to become an Environmental and/or Science Communicator. Working as a Sustainability Fellow allows them the opportunity to gain real-world experience, and further grow their skills as a communicator in service to the Tallahassee community. They aim to make sustainable living a more feasible goal for lower-income communities and families. They look at sustainability as a way of living - on both an individual and societal level - with the goal of maintaining the environment and their way of life for not just the next generation, but for many to come. 

Dorothy Lane 

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Social Work and Public Administration

Campus/Community Partner: SportsAbility Alliance

Project: Florida Accessible Beach Access Research

Dorothy Lane is a first-year graduate student pursuing master's degrees in both Public Administration and Social Work. She strives to work at the intersection of accessibility and victim services. Dorothy defines sustainability as building programs that can continue without a single person or organization's support. She became interested in the Sustainability Fellowship as an opportunity to learn more about sustainable practices in project management.

Elisa Martinez Cancino 

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Social Work and Criminology 

Campus/Community Partner: SportsAbility Alliance

Project: Florida Accessible Beach Access Research

Ely is a master’s student doing a joint program in Social Work and Criminology. She’s looking to move forward in the academic route and get a PhD in Social Policy with a focus in Environmentalism and Sustainability. The outdoors has always been Ely’s way of finding inner peace and a better understanding of the world. Through the SportsAbility Beach Accessibility project, she is looking forward to making it accessible for everyone to be able to connect with nature. Ely grew up around the beach and that’s why she was so passionate about this program. She’s excited to be part of change towards a better and more inclusive community! 

Shaifali Prajapati  

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Geography

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Faculty Senate, Sustainability Standing Committee

Project: Defining the Student Role in the Sustainability Standing Committee of the FSU Faculty Senate

Shaifali is pursuing a master’s degree with the Department of Geography. She would like to incorporate sustainability through involving decision makers and increasing engagement with communities affected by climate impacts; an integral part of research for her is the ability to disseminate information to stakeholders. She believes the program fosters collaboration among institutions like FSU and wider organizations within Florida working on sustainability. For Shaifali, sustainability starts with decisive and ambitious actions for change involving multiple sectors of society, as steps taken now can prevent adverse effects in the long term.

Anne-Lunie Rodney

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Business Management and Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Food Waste Prevention Educator

Anne-Lunie Rodney is a fourth-year senior majoring in Management and Environmental Science and Policy. In the future, Anne plans to attend graduate school and later pursue both her passions through a career in Corporate Sustainability. Anne believes that the Fellows program is an amazing opportunity to learn and apply skills taught in and outside of the classroom on campus and in the community. To Anne, sustainability means making a commitment to ourselves by finding the balance in planning for today and planning for the future.

Karina Sultan

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Canoe and Kayak Club

Project: Big Bend River Advocate

Karina is an Environment and Society major, and she hopes to have a career focused on conservationism. Her interest in the Fellows program is to take part in something bigger than herself and gain relevant experience in environmental projects. Sustainability, to Karina, means finding ways to preserve our natural resources for the benefit of society, current and future, and for the environment itself. 

Lauren Thornberg

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning 

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Springs Institute 

Project: Citizen Science Data Collection and Advocacy

Lauren is pursuing a master's degree in urban and regional planning with a focus on environmental planning. She is interested in adaptative planning for coastal cities, and the effects climate change has on urban life. She joined the fellows program to better understand the relationship between Florida's waterways and its communities. Her definition of sustainability is "living in a way that does not harm future generations, constantly asking ourselves if we are being good ancestors".

Zachary Wigodner

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Commercial Entrepreneurship

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability 

Project: Sustainable Business Recognition Program Implementation Specialist

Zachary is a Commercial Entrepreneurship major, pursuing a minor in Business Analytics. He is especially interested in creating sustainable supply chains, mobilizing private equity for social ventures, and learning about emerging technologies. At the Leon County Office of Sustainability, Zach is excited to understand all aspects of the local businesses he will be working with, help them solve complex problems, and exploit opportunities for sustainable innovation. Zach believes sustainability involves human responsibility to be resourceful and forward-thinking to ensure a brighter future.

Fall 2021 Sustainability Fellows

Lauren Mayou

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Engineering

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Planning & Space Management

Project: Campus Plazas, Irrigation, and Flower Bed Map

Lauren Mayou is a senior studying environmental engineering and is hoping to pursue a career in water resource engineering or environmental assessment and remediation. She previously participated in an environmental assessment and feasibility project with Dr. Ahmadisharaf funded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. She also received the Computational Hydraulics International Grant to assist with her research and has experience as an intern at Drummond Carpenter. Lauren joined the Sustainability Fellowship program to assist FSU Planning & Space Management with their Campus Plaza project and to expand upon her experience with irrigation and flow bed mapping. For Lauren, sustainability is defined as utilizing available information to optimize the benefit to the future environment while also considering the current economic, environmental, and social costs.


Jessica Meeker

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Public Administration

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Away from Home Recycling Analysis

Jessica is currently in the Master of Public Administration program and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her academic and career goals include exploring energy policy and bridging the gap between government administration and engineering. She is interested in the Sustainability Fellows program because of the interesting projects proposed and the opportunity to help the local community, and Florida, become more sustainably conscious. For Jessica, sustainability encompasses the integration of the economy, societal impacts, and the environment, and she believes everyone has the opportunity to do their part.

Zachary Wigodner

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Commercial Entrepreneurship

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability 

Project: Sustainable Business Recognition Program Implementation Specialist

Zachary is a Commercial Entrepreneurship major, pursuing a minor in Business Analytics. He is especially interested in creating sustainable supply chains, mobilizing private equity for social ventures, and learning about emerging technologies. At the Leon County Office of Sustainability, Zach is excited to understand all aspects of the local businesses he will be working with, help them solve complex problems, and exploit opportunities for sustainable innovation. Zach believes sustainability involves human responsibility to be resourceful and forward-thinking to ensure a brighter future.

Heather Zdyb

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment and Society and Geography

Campus/Community Partner: ExpeditionTLH 

Project: ExpeditionTLH Content Creator

Heather is a junior majoring in Environment & Society and Geography with a minor in Urban and Regional Planning. In the future, she would like to pursue a graduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning with an Environmental focus. Sustainability to Heather is a compromise of best meeting our current environmental, economic, and social needs without sacrificing the needs of future generations. She looks forward to working with ExpeditionTLH because of the opportunity to share her passions for sustainability and outdoor recreation with fellow community members.  

Summer 2021 Sustainability Fellows

Michelle Evangelista

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in International Affairs and Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Miami Climate Alliance

Project: Social Justice Community Engagement/Marketing

Michelle Evangelista is majoring in International Affairs. Some of her professional goals include starting her Honors in the Major Thesis and starting a second major in Environment and Society. She is also interested in the Sustainability Fellows program to promote sustainability in communities, while also considering the demographics and circumstances that affect the people in the area. She hopes to utilize her skills, learn, and improve her abilities to benefit herself and other people she works with. For Michelle, sustainability means the preservation of nature, resources, and the Earth for diverse communities. Everyone can contribute to the Earth’s preservation. It is important to present it from different perspectives, to bring about the most change in mindsets and habits. For sustainability to succeed, it needs to address other issues that affect its accessibility and attainment such as environmental racism.

Catarina Fernandez

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Miami Climate Alliance

Project: Social Justice Community Engagement/Marketing

Catarina is a senior studying Environment and Society with a minor in Urban Planning. She plans to pursue a graduate degree in Urban Planning as she believes that by transforming our built environment we can change the ways we connect with our community. To her, sustainability means acting in balance with the Earth, establishing a give and take relationship which provides for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, age, etc!


Kaleb Hobson-Garcia

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Away from Home Recycling Analysis

Kaleb is a junior majoring in Environmental Science with an interest in working in environmental remediation and long-term pollution solutions. He was drawn to Sustainability Fellows as it would give him the opportunity to give back to the Tallahassee community while gaining applicable experience for professional goals. Sustainability to Kaleb is keeping the environment’s needs at the forefront while meeting the needs of an ever-evolving and growing population.


Jessica Meeker

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Public Administration

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Away from Home Recycling Analysis

Jessica is currently in the Master of Public Administration program and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her academic and career goals include exploring energy policy and bridging the gap between government administration and engineering. She is interested in the Sustainability Fellows program because of the interesting projects proposed and the opportunity to help the local community, and Florida, become more sustainably conscious. For Jessica, sustainability encompasses the integration of the economy, societal impacts, and the environment, and she believes everyone has the opportunity to do their part

Corbin Nall

Program: Graduate Student in Public Health and Urban & Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: City of Tallahassee, Department of Sustainability & Community Preservation

Project: Tallahassee At Home Resilience Guide

Corbin is a second-year graduate student pursing a joint degree in Urban and Regional Planning and Public Health. In the future, he hopes to work in a career focused on community health and food systems planning. The Sustainability Fellows program provides an avenue in which to explore these career goals. According to Corbin, the concepts of sustainability and resiliency go hand-in-hand for both refer to the capacity to adapt to change while continuing to thrive well into the future


Crystal Posey

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Geographic Information Systems

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Planning & Space Management

Project: Visualizing Green and Open Spaces 

Crystal Posey is in the M.S. Geographic Information Systems graduate program. She graduated from Florida State University with a B.S. in Environmental Sciences in 2018 and she currently works in the public sector's environmental management field. She hopes to continue my service in the public sector by supporting environmental managers and the public using geospatial technologies to protect our natural resources and enhance its ecosystems. The Fellows program gained her interest because it provides the university an all-inclusive, secure, and effective approach to combating challenges our society and environment face. Sustainability focuses on providing an approach that assists in combating those challenges. It does not deplete nor compromise our natural resources so that we can maintain a future for others to live in a healthy society and environment.


Michael Walsh

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Integrated Marketing Communication

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS)

Project: TAPS Sustainable Transportation Marketing

Michael is in his final semester of the Integrated Marketing and Communication Master's program. He was drawn to making a positive impact on the FSU community before graduation. His personal definition of sustainability is making the changes necessary to ensure that future generations inherit a safe and healthy planet.

Peter Woodley

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Product Development

Campus/Community Partner: Compost Community 

Project: Tallahassee Business Environment Analysis

Peter is a graduate student in the FSU Jim Moran Institute product development program with a focus on start-up and SME project management and business analysis. He interprets sustainability as a responsibility people owe to the world as global citizens to ensure the development and longevity of environmental, social, and economic resources for future generations. In alignment with his efforts to mature into a serial entrepreneur, he is confident his experience as a Fellow will challenge and develop his communication, business strategy, and leadership skills as he pioneers a start-up in the commercial sustainability sector.

Heather Zdyb

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment and Society and Geography

Campus/Community Partner: ExpeditionTLH 

Project: ExpeditionTLH Content Creator

Heather is a junior majoring in Environment & Society and Geography with a minor in Urban and Regional Planning. In the future, she would like to pursue a graduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning with an Environmental focus. Sustainability to Heather is a compromise of best meeting our current environmental, economic, and social needs without sacrificing the needs of future generations. She looks forward to working with ExpeditionTLH because of the opportunity to share her passions for sustainability and outdoor recreation with fellow community members.  

Spring 2021 Sustainability Fellows

Tyler Osha

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachicola Riverkeeper

Project: ArcGIS Story Map for Apalachicola Basin Trails

Tyler is a senior studying Environmental Science and Policy. He has a passion for protecting the environment and is interested in a future career in land and species conservation. His interest in the Sustainability Fellows Program stems from his desire to learn applicable skills and help community partners around Tallahassee. His definition of sustainability is when a process can be maintained while minimizing the negative externalities on the environment and community. Tyler is excited to work with Apalachicola Riverkeeper this semester!

Dasha Kosheleva

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachicola Riverkeeper

Project: ArcGIS Story Map for Apalachicola Basin Trails

Dasha is pursuing a master’s degree in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. The Sustainability Fellows program allows her to combine her GIS skills with her passion for sustainable design. For Dasha, sustainability is determined by the coherent and balanced work of multiple components of the development system, such as economic growth, mitigation of environmental impact, and ensuring fair and equal opportunities for people.


Connor Ford

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Business Management

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Project: Away from Home Recycling Analysis

Connor is a Business Management major, pursuing a minor in Urban and Regional Planning with the eventual goal of becoming a planner specializing in economic development or land-use strategies. He thinks the Sustainability Fellows program is a great way to improve his local community while gaining real-world experience in environmental planning. Connor would define sustainability as the responsible management of our earth’s finite resources. 


John Massa

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Sociology and Biology

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Disabled Outdoors Association (FDOA)

Project: iFind Recreation Resource Database

John is a junior majoring in sociology and biology with an interest in public health and medicine. He was drawn to Sustainability Fellows because the projects are identified by community members, ensuring that the goals of these projects are in line with what the community really needs. His personal definition of sustainability is investing resources into our communities to preserve our environment and create long-lasting bonds between the two.

Mackenzie Hayes

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Disabled Outdoors Association (FDOA)

Project: iFind Recreation Resource Database

Mackenzie is majoring in Environmental Science (BS) with a minor in geography and urban planning. In the future, she plans to go to grad school for urban planning with a focus in sustainability or environmentalism. In the future Mackenzie wants to work on sustainability in cities regarding mixed-used development, walkable and bikeable landscapes, and equitable, public transportation. She defines sustainability as creating living life in a way that preserves a high standard of living for everyone and for future generations.


Rachel Tullius

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Social Work

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: Local Food Resources Inventory 

Rachel Tullius is a graduate student in the Master's of Social Work Program with a concentration in Policy and Social Leadership. Her interest in the Sustainability Fellowship Program comes from her passion for helping others. Sustainability, to Rachel, is a holistic lens which prioritizes longevity, accessibility, inclusion, and equity. At its core, sustainability is social work to Rachel.


Alyssa Love

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Public Interest Media and Communication

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Food for Thought Pantry

Project: FSU Food for Thought Pantry Marketing

Alyssa Love is a first-year graduate student in the School of Communication in the Public Interest Media Communication program. In the future, Alyssa hopes to create content that gets people thinking and taking action when it comes to the world's environmental problems. She is very passionate about sustainability and helping people understand how they can help and get involved in more sustainable practices. To Alyssa, sustainability is about creating an environment that is here for future generations. Alyssa is excited to work with the Food for Thought Pantry to create a campaign that can reach as many students and people who need this amazing service.

Alexia Denton

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Healing Arts Alliance 

Project: Virtual Healing Arts Fact Sheet Collection

Alexia is a first-year graduate student in the Master of Public Health program. She aims to pursue health policy to improve access of care for rural and underserved communities. She is very interested in holistic approaches and prevention methods to promote health. Alexia believes sustainability represents the efforts made to preserve resources and to act in such a way that best benefits individuals and their environment.

Ellie Rill

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Environment & Society and Economics

Campus/Community Partner: Healing Arts Alliance 

Project: Virtual Healing Arts Fact Sheet Collection

Ellie is a junior studying Economics and Environment & Society with a minor in Computer Science. She is interested in pursuing a career that educates others on sustainable living, which goes hand-in-hand with the environment. She is very excited to be working with the Sustainability Fellows Program and Healing Arts Alliance this semester as this opportunity empowers individuals to implement sustainable, holistic practices into their everyday lives.  


Hannah Mendillo

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability  

Project: Identify Opportunities to Expand Community Composting

Hannah is a first-year graduate student studying Urban and Regional Planning and plans to pursue a career in environmental planning after graduation. She is passionate about sustainability and building a better community, which led her to this community composting project. For Hannah, sustainability is about planning for future generations.


Delaney Wicker-Miller

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Management

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability  

Project: Sustainable Business Recognition Program

Delaney is a junior majoring in Management and minoring in Environment and Society. Across her professional career, Delaney strives towards opening her sustainable business and promoting corporate responsibility in the workplace. The Fellows program offers Delaney the chance to explore both of her passions and implement all she has learned in college so far. To Delaney, sustainability means more than using metal straws and reusable bags. While every small effort counts, businesses are responsible for the vast majority of harmful emissions. Taking responsibility for means of production and implementing modern efforts is a large goal in the environmental community. Today more than anything sustainability is a collective effort between consumers and the workplace to keep our earth healthy.


Nicolas Fields

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Finance

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability  

Project: Sustainable Business Recognition Program

Nicolas is a senior studying finance. He hopes to work as a financial analyst at a company or foundation focused on mitigating climate change and helping those impacted by it. The Sustainability Fellows Program interested Nicolas because it gives him an opportunity to implement waste reducing and energy saving habits in his community, all while gaining valuable professional business experience. Sustainability to Nicolas means keeping our planet healthy with the goal of an improved quality of life not just for humans but all living organisms.


Linda Beauport

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Physicians for Social Responsibility   

Project: Get the Lead Out! Educational Campaign and Public Health Lobbying Initiative

Linda is currently an Environmental Science and Policy Major. Her future goals include working for an organization like the Environmental Protection Agency or the United Nations Environmental Programme. She is interested in the Sustainability Fellows to aid the community and campus in its efforts to improve the quality of our surroundings. Sustainability should be flexible and adaptable to anyone who wants to partake in the effort.

Kimberly Watts

Program: First Year Graduate Student in Public Health

Campus/Community Partner: Florida Physicians for Social Responsibility   

Project: Get the Lead Out! Educational Campaign and Public Health Lobbying Initiative 

Kimberly is in the Master of Public Health Program to prepare for a career in epidemiology. Within this field, Kimberly plans to explore public health issues and implement ways to stop a disease spread. Working with others to advocate for safe drinking water is an experience Kimberly will be able to build on, as well as one that will help improve her community. She looks forward to building her network with others who are advocates for public health. Kimberly views sustainability as something that can endure time without doing harm.


Sarah Calzada

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Geography

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Audubon Society

Sarah is a third-year undergraduate studying Geography with a minor in Environment and Society. After graduating from FSU, she hopes to pursue a master's degree in environmental science. Sarah is a continuing Fellow from Fall 2020, and she loved her experience of installing a bat house at Lake Elberta Park with the Apalachee Audubon Society. Sarah’s definition of Sustainability is inclusive, long-term, ethical community development towards goals that positively impact multiple parts of a community, such as environmental, economic, and human resources.

Fall 2020 Sustainability Fellows

Sarah Calzada

Program: Third Year Undergraduate in Geography

Campus/Community Partner: The Apalachee Audubon Society

Sarah is a junior studying Geography with a minor in Environment and Society, and her sustainability journey started when she volunteered in the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil for 2 months last year. Volunteering in rainforest restoration helped her realize that sustainability is a lifelong practice that she wants to live by. Since being accepted to the Sustainability Fellowship, she is excited to continue this journey by aiding the Apalachee Audubon Society this fall!

Jacob Doty

Program: First Year Graduate Student in GIS

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Facilities

Jacob is a first year graduate student looking towards a future career in GIS. He is continuing his work as a Sustainability Fellow to map recycling availability on campus, make the data more accessible, and improve the recycling on campus, as well as working on other GIS projects with FSU Design & Construction.

Sarah Galt

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environment and Society

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Sarah is a Senior at FSU interested in pursuing a career that furthers environmental awareness/education, which goes hand-in-hand with sustainability. She is excited to be working with the Sustainability Fellows Program this semester, as she feels this program merges environmental and sustainable practices in an effort to educate and encourage our youth's creativity.

Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh

Program: Ph.D. candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Campus/Community Partner: Second Harvest of the Big Bend

Mahyar’s research is related to “Traffic and Transportation Engineering”. He has been involved in multiple research projects which were externally funded through agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The overlap between the goals of the Sustainability Fellows project and his research areas made him very passionate to work on this project. The journey through this project and the outcome will be mutually beneficial to him as a researcher and the organization.

Sajeeb Kirtonia

Program: Ph.D. candidate in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Campus/Community Partner: Second Harvest of the Big Bend

Sajeeb is completing a PhD and working as a research assistant. His research is primarily focused on improving the efficiency of the transportation sector by implementing optimization techniques. He is very excited to get involved in the Sustainability Fellowship program where he will apply his knowledge to address the challenges of environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Tyler Osha

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Facilities, Procurement

Tyler is a senior studying Environmental Science and Policy. He has a passion for protecting the environment and is interested in the intersection of business and sustainability. After graduation, he plans to work in the corporate sustainability field.

Alejandro Suarez

Program: Second Year Undergraduate in Digital Media and Production

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Alejandro is a sophomore from Miami, Florida pursuing digital media and production at FSU. Having an interest in media production and sustainable living, he is excited to be involved with this organization. 

Spring 2020 Sustainability Fellows


Alejandro Suarez

Program: First Year Undergraduate in Digital Media and Production

Campus/Community Partner: Sustainable Campus

Alejandro is a freshman from Miami, Florida pursuing digital media and production at FSU.  Having an interest in media production and sustainable living, he is excited to be involved with this organization. 

Alexis Chavez

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environmental Science and Policy

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Audubon Society

Alexis’s interest in sustainability increased due to the classes he took at FSU and his internship program at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Alexis joined the Sustainability Fellows program because wanted to contribute to sustainability research in Tallahassee and become more prepared for his career after graduation.

Andrea Zang

Program: Second Year Graduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Grounds and Landscaping Operations

Andrea is a second-year master's student in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (Go DURP!) focusing on sustainable affordable housing policy, asset-based community development, and the impact of gender and sexuality on the urban experience. She's excited to leverage her background in project management, public participation, and GIS to understand and map recycling facility access across FSU's campus - you'll find her biking around campus with a GPS all of spring 2020!

Dani Proffitt

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Advertising and Studio Art

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

Dani is a double major in Advertising and Studio Art focusing on creative, social, and business issues alike. She has a growing passion for the environment that she wanted to apply to her current professional life as well as further grow her knowledge in the field of sustainability. She saw a post on social media about the Fellows program and it seemed like the perfect fit! 

David Krijgsman

Program: Fourth Year Undergraduate in Environment & Society and Political Science

Campus/Community Partner: Leon County Office of Sustainability

David grew up throughout Europe and South Florida, where he developed a passion for the outdoors early on in life. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in environmental law and public policy.

Jacob Doty

Program: Four Year Undergraduate in Geography and Economics

Campus/Community Partner: FSU Grounds and Landscaping Operations

Jacob is a senior studying Geography and looking towards a future career in GIS. He is looking forward to working with the Sustainability Fellows to map recycling availability on campus, make the data more accessible, and improve the recycling on campus.

Kate (Shiqian) Wang

Program: Ph.D. Student in Geography

Campus/Community Partner: Apalachee Audubon Society

Katie is a Ph.D. student in the department of geography. She’s interested in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), and human-environment interactions.